Holistic and Complimentary Therapies work alongside conventional medicine, having a treatment such as Shiatsu, Reiki, or Reflexology can help you play a part in taking care of yourself, as nobody knows your body better than you.

Reflexology is a therapeutic foot massage that uses a specific pressure technique that works on precise reflex points on the feet.

Shiatsu uses the healing power of touch and pressure to help activate the body's self-healing mechanism. It is deeply relaxing yet invigorating leaving you with a sense of tranquility.
Also find me at
The Beauty Rooms By appointment
72 Leyland Lane, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 1XB. Tel: 01772 621356
Please contact the salon to book a convenient appointment. Alternatively please feel free to contact me via the contact link.
Emma Brown By appointment
248 Leyland Lane, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 1XJ. Tel: 01772 622201
Please contact the salon to book a convenient appointment. Alternatively please feel free to contact me via the contact link.